New technologies to improve quality of service and client experience of challengers offshore companies


  • Nada SOUDI
  • Soufiane CHRAIBI



Customer experience, Quality of service, Contact centers, QoS dimensions, ServQual, Digital Media Communication, Client Satisfaction.


Customer requirements and expectations are constantly evolving due to the various opportunities and possibilities offered using new communication technologies. Multi-channel communication, Artificial intelligence and big data allow companies to adapt their proposed costumer's experience to constantly changing customer behaviors like choosing the channels of communication, the time, the place and the purpose of interactions. The contact center sector is greatly affected by these technological and behavioral developments. The industry players and adapting revolutionary approaches in their costumer's relationship management to improve their service quality and to propose a positive customer experience.

This research emphasizes the relationship between the use of new communication technologies and the improvement in perceived service quality and client satisfaction. This study is focused on medium size contact centers in morocco. A segment that we categorize as "challengers" within the industry. This category is very important for the economy in terms of job creation and as a source of foreign currency. However, it suffers from a bad reputation in terms of service quality and a poor proposed customers experience

Thus, the problematic is: Could the adoption of new technologies of communication help this category of contact centers improve service quality and customers experience?

Through a field survey, the main results show that the use of new technologies have a notable impact on certain aspects of the quality of service such as reliability and responsiveness but has a limited effect on other aspects such as insurance and empathy which are rather linked to professional and interpersonal skills and performance of employees.




How to Cite

SOUDI, N. ., & CHRAIBI, S. . (2022). New technologies to improve quality of service and client experience of challengers offshore companies. International Journal of Economic Studies and Management (IJESM), 2(2), 181–195.