Entreprise de la défaillance sous la dimension psychologique avant pendant et après le prononcé du jugement : Paradoxalité d’action versus inertie


  • Habbani Souad
  • Boukriaa Hamza




Psychologie ; Paradoxalité ; Redressement judiciaire ; défaillance ; difficulté ; cessation des paiements ; double injonction.


It goes without saying that the majority of scientific researches on failures, although they are rare, undertake the subject only from the point of view of financial failure since Imminence through development to occurrence. However, very few are the discussions about the psychological scars revealed by the default on the debut, which is a subject in the middle of it. It is up to this company to do so for the enormity of interests Contained in the involvement in the psychology of leaders during judicial redress.

This Psychological state is a guarantee of the success of any rescue plan. Not only that the company’s chef finds himself alone in defending his cause, much worse than he ends up in reproach and trial the intention for squandering the assets that are made available to it, which are a guarantee of the creditors. However, the difficulty goes beyond the faculty of the leader alone as long as it forges links with the situation that acts on a global scale and cannot be attributed solely to the management of the leader. The example of the health crisis is telling. Large-scale failures have been increased during the health crisis and especially in healthy structures and far from catching the failure. If the primary objective was to clear liabilities, economic reality calls for a rescue of companies because by doing so we are able to safeguard employment, support the demand, maintain the tax base, and make the business climate reliable. To do this, you will have to be interested in the vector of the success or failure of a company in difficulty that is the manager.



How to Cite

Habbani Souad, & Boukriaa Hamza. (2022). Entreprise de la défaillance sous la dimension psychologique avant pendant et après le prononcé du jugement : Paradoxalité d’action versus inertie. International Journal of Economic Studies and Management (IJESM), 2(3), 524–532. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6938946