Impact of price, advertising and quality of service on TOKOPEDIA online purchase decisions during the COVID-19 pandemic (case study by state agency PT KOTAMAS MAKMUR)


  • Ch. Endah Winarti
  • Seni Gloria Zega
  • Yohanes Ferry Cahaya
  • Annathasia Puji Erasashanti



Price, Promotion, Service Quality, Purchase Decision.


The purpose of this research is to identify and analyze the impact of price, advertising and quality of service on online purchasing decisions regarding Tokopedia during the COVID-19 pandemic. The study population consisted of staff from PT Kotamas Makmur National Agency. The independent variables in this study are price, advertising and quality of service, while the dependent variable in this study is purchase decision. The research method used is a quantitative research method  hypothesis-testing approach. A saturated sample with a total of 30 employees is used as the sampling method. The data source was obtained from questionnaire results and the analytical method was multiple regression analysis using the statistical program SPSS version 22. The results showed that: (i) Price influences purchasing decisions from Tokopedia; (ii) promotions do not influence purchasing decisions on Tokopedia; (iii) the quality of service will influence your purchasing decision from Tokopedia.




How to Cite

Ch. Endah Winarti, Seni Gloria Zega, Yohanes Ferry Cahaya, & Annathasia Puji Erasashanti. (2023). Impact of price, advertising and quality of service on TOKOPEDIA online purchase decisions during the COVID-19 pandemic (case study by state agency PT KOTAMAS MAKMUR) . International Journal of Economic Studies and Management (IJESM), 3(3), 963–972.