Prevalence of Obesity consequences its impacts on health & working performance evidence from Saudi Arabia
Obesity prevalence, Obesity Impact, Health Impact, Working performance, Obesity in Saudi Arabia,BMI,Abstract
The prevalence of Obesity is one of the major issues in the entire world. Being overweight or Obesity causes many fatal diseases which are further converted into chronic diseases. According to a cautious survey, more than 1 million people are obese in the world & this ratio is increasing day by day due to the high consumption of junk food, sweetened beverages, white sugar & sedentary lifestyle. The ratio of Obesity is different in different groups of ages, it is different in adults, adolescents in children & old age people. In our present research, we target 973 people, both gender male & female, with different groups ages 15 to 45 years, within 6 cities of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. We perform our research for the evaluation of three factors, Prevalence of obesity, Obesity impacts on health, & Obesity impacts on work performance, for this purpose we use a conceptual cross-section descriptive research method to obtain the data collection for our findings & results. The survey was conducted using different platforms interview over the mobile phone, online Facebook & LinkedIn survey using google supported questionnaire. We choose 973 people as a sample for research among the 973 population sample there were 732 respondents & this candidate participated in the survey with 384 males & 348 females respectively in 6 cities of Saudi Arabia, Makkah, Madinah, Jeddah, Taif, Tabuk including capital city Riyadh. Among these 732 respondents, 523 peoples are unweighted obese & rest of the 209 respondents are weighted obese. In our present research prevalence of Obesity BMI body mass index was BMI ≥ 30 on the basis of BMI we concluded our remarks, results & implications policy.
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