The blue economy 3.0: innovation for a sustainable ocean economy in Morocco


  • Sanae Hanine
  • Brahim Dinar
  • Said Meftah



Blue economy; Innovation; Innovation clusters; Regulation; Strategies; Morocco.


Purpose- Given the importance and role of the ocean for food security, economic growth, as well as the maintenance of life and climate balance. This research deals with the role of innovation in the blue economy and its challenges in Morocco. Research and innovation are strong levers for growing this economic segment. Indeed, innovative solutions are able to enable better knowledge and development of Moroccan coastal and marine ecosystems.

Design/methodology/approach - we based ourselves on primary sources of information specialized in the field of innovation in the maritime environment. Günter Pauli's thoughts on “The Blue Economy 3.0” constituted the essential vulgate of the framework of our research.

Findings - The research has brought out clusters of innovations that we consider priority and promising to the blue economy in Morocco.




How to Cite

Hanine, S. . ., Dinar, B. ., & Meftah, S. . . (2024). The blue economy 3.0: innovation for a sustainable ocean economy in Morocco . International Journal of Economic Studies and Management (IJESM), 3(6), 2043–2064.