International Journal of Economic Studies and Management (IJESM) <p><strong>International Journal of Economic Studies and Management (IJESM)</strong> <strong>-ISSN 2789-049X (Online)-</strong> is a peer-reviewed International Journal that currently publishes 6 issues annually. IJESM journal publishes theoretical and empirical papers on a wide range of topics related to Business (Accounting, Auditing, Management, etc.), Finance, and Economics.</p> <p align="justify"><em><strong>Cross Reference</strong></em></p> <p align="justify"><strong>The International Journal of Economic Studies and Management (IJESM)</strong> is a member of the <strong>CrossRef. </strong>The DOI prefix allotted for IJESM is <a href=""><strong>10.52502/ijesm</strong></a></p> en-US (IJESM Editor) (IJESM Editor) Fri, 10 Jan 2025 15:48:48 +0000 OJS 60 L’intégration de la numérisation comme solution pour prévenir la défaillance des PME dans le contexte marocain : Une revue de littérature <p>Les PME marocaines, qui représentent une part importante de l'économie nationale, sont vulnérables face aux défis économiques, technologiques et structurels. La numérisation semble être une solution prometteuse pour renforcer leur résilience, Cependant, ces entreprises rencontrent des obstacles majeurs dans leur transition numérique, rendant crucial l'examen de ses avantages et de ses défis. Ce travail vise à présenter une revue de littérature narrative. Il définira brièvement la notion de défaillance des entreprises et énumérera les principales causes de leur faillite. Ensuite, il montrera les avantages et les opportunités offerts par la numérisation pour aider les dirigeants à assurer la pérennité et la durabilité de leurs entreprises. Enfin, il exposera les défis de l'intégration de la numérisation par les dirigeants de PME pour prévenir toute éventuelle défaillance, et présentera de certaines solutions tirées des travaux antérieurs pour surmonter ces défis. Une étude documentaire rigoureuse de la littérature existante sera menée pour contribuer à l'avancement des connaissances. En conclusion, la numérisation offre de nombreux avantages, comme une meilleure efficacité opérationnelle grâce à l'automatisation, un accès à de nouveaux marchés par les plateformes numériques et un renforcement de la prise de décision. Cependant, elle pose également des défis majeurs, tels que le manque de compétences numériques au sein des PME, les coûts élevés de son adoption et les problèmes de confidentialité des données. Pour relever ces défis, les entreprises doivent adopter une approche stratégique, soutenue par des politiques publiques favorisant la transformation numérique et des initiatives de formation. Des réussites existantes pourraient également inspirer les entreprises à franchir le pas malgré ces obstacles.</p> ECH-CHAFI Ilyasse , AIT ALI El Hassane Copyright (c) 2025 Fri, 10 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Analyzing Consumer Loan Contracts in African Countries: Trends and Patterns <p>Consumer loan contracts in African countries are essential for understanding the dynamics of personal finance and economic development on the continent. This article analyzes trends and patterns in consumer loan contracts across several African nations, examining aspects such as loan terms, interest rates, fees, and borrower demographics. The study utilizes a mixed-methods approach, combining quantitative data from loan contracts with qualitative insights from interviews with financial experts and borrowers. Key findings reveal significant variability in contract terms and interest rates, influenced by regional economic conditions and regulatory environments. The analysis highlights the need for improved regulatory frameworks to enhance contract transparency and borrower protection. Furthermore, it underscores the role of technology and alternative financing models in expanding access to credit and fostering financial inclusion. The research provides actionable recommendations for policymakers and financial institutions to address disparities and improve the consumer lending landscape in Africa.</p> Jules KOUNOUWEWA , Deng CHAO Copyright (c) 2025 Fri, 10 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 A critical study of HRM models in the associative environment through the lens of the psychological contract <p>The objective of this article is to conduct a comparative study of the different approaches to HRM in an associational context; indeed, based on thoughtful theoretical foundations, this comparison lies at the crossroads of organizational practices in HRM in “associational” type organizations, which derive their legitimacy from several theoretical bodies. Thus, the objective is to determine the points of convergence, but also of the divergence between the different management models with regard to the theoretical corpus of the psychological contract, now considered as a theory of employment in its own right.</p> <p>Consequently, we will review all the possible reading grids in associations, highlighting both their advantages and their limitations, before drawing up a comparative table that provides information on the depth and exhaustiveness of the analysis.</p> LAKHDAR Motia Eddine Copyright (c) 2025 Fri, 24 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000 Re-writing management control philosophy <p>This paper explores the enigmatic relationship between management control and technological innovation, offering valuable insights. First, it aims to clarify the fundamental components of traditional management control (TMC), such as the cybernetic philosophy, the diagnostic use of control systems, financial information, the top-down approach, and positivist theory. Additionally, the paper seeks to highlight the paradoxical connection between these elements and the stochastic nature of innovation. Second, by emphasizing the necessity of shifting the paradigm that underpins contemporary management control (CMC), this approach steers the research toward a comprehensive analysis of its key components. These include the interactive use of control systems, the integration of non-financial information, a bottom-up approach, and the positioning of management control tools within the framework of instrumental theory. Such a configuration fosters innovation by promoting interactive communication, creativity, the development of new strategies, and the reduction of uncertainties. Third, the literature identifies two distinct typologies of innovation: incremental and radical. Each requires a unique process, which is further divided into phases, each with its own set of requirements. These requirements necessitate specific levers of control, which not only rethink and rehabilitate the role of traditional management control but also emphasize the importance of both TMC and CMC in supporting the innovation process.</p> Ismail Benslimane , Sanae Benjelloun Copyright (c) 2025 Fri, 24 Jan 2025 00:00:00 +0000