International Journal of Information Technology and Applied Sciences (IJITAS) 2024-08-19T22:16:56+00:00 IJITAS Journal Open Journal Systems <p><strong>International Journal of Information Technology and Applied Sciences (IJITAS) -ISSN 2709-2208 (Online)-</strong> is a peer-reviewed International Journal that currently publishes 4 issues annually. IJITAS is published by the <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">World Organization of Applied Sciences (WOAS)</a>. IJITAS journal publishes technical papers, as well as review articles and surveys, describing recent research and development work that covers all areas of computer science, information systems, and computer / electrical engineering.</p> <p align="justify"><em><strong>Cross Reference</strong></em></p> <p align="justify"><strong>International Journal of Information Technology and Applied Sciences (IJITAS)</strong> is a member of the <strong>CrossRef. </strong>The DOI prefix allotted for IJITAS is <a href=""><strong>10.52502/ijitas</strong></a></p> Contribution to the Study of the Relationship between Organizational Capital and Export Performance: The Case of Agri-Food SME Managers in Morocco 2024-06-28T12:09:26+00:00 Mohamed ABDANOUR Noureddine AIT ERRAYS <p>In the current context of global markets and growing exports, companies are forced to compete in many different environments. Some of them, including large companies and multinationals, are able to develop the necessary reflexes to detect changes in the environment and adapt their competitive strategies. Others, such as SMEs and micro-enterprises, do not always have the opportunity to internationalize easily because of many obstacles due to the lack of resources. This empirical study is based on conceptual and theoretical foundations that are the basis of our conceptual model of the research. Indeed, after having treated the theoretical and conceptual framework related to the problem, we developed a conceptual model of the research that was the subject of the empirical test through the administration of a questionnaire whose data were the subject of a treatment and an analysis of the results.</p> 2024-06-28T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Discrétisation de type Différences Finies de l’Equation de Diffusion de la charge électrique à une dimension 2024-07-26T17:48:26+00:00 NABADIATA MBALA Pierre <p>L’article présente la discrétisation de type Différences Finies de l’Equation de Diffusion de la charge électrique à une dimension. L’intérêt de cet article est que les expériences simples portant sur la diffusion des particules sont plutôt rares &nbsp;La géométrie que présente le système électrique étudié ici est simple.</p> <p>Le modèle mathématique du système sus-évoqué se présente sous la forme d’une équation différentielle qui lie la fonction inconnue à ses dérivées partielles (la charge électrique est fonction d’espace et de temps).</p> <p>Donc, le système de diffusion de la charge électrique à une dimension est décrit par une équation différentielle partielle, appelée <em>Equation de diffusion de la charge</em>. C’est un problème différentiel ou <em>problème continu</em>. Sans perte de généralités, cette équation n’admet pas de solution analytique. Donc, il faudra la discrétiser.</p> 2024-07-26T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Export Performance Determinants Modeling Trial : Theoretical Framework 2024-08-19T22:16:56+00:00 Mohamed ABDANOUR <p>Export performance determinants modeling is a vast and complex field of research that attracts the attention of researchers and practitioners in international trade. Understanding the key factors that influence business success in foreign markets is crucial to developing effective export strategies and increasing international competitiveness.</p> <p>In this regard, the literature review focused on determinants of export performance, thus contributing to theoretical and practical advances in this area.</p> <p>Our contribution aims to make a synthesis of the various studies and empirical research, to result in the different determinants of the company's export performance, in relation to the environment (internal and external), marketing strategy and its competences.</p> 2024-08-19T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024